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Manuel Gabler

Landscape archaeological interpretation of combined prospection data from Uppåkra, Sweden.

Dir. PD Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Neubauer
Univ.-Doz.Dr. Wolfgang Lenhardt
Dr. Immo Trinks

Case study
Uppåkra, Sweden

The aim of the dissertation is the combined archaeological interpretation of the large scale geophysical prospection data from Uppåkra/Sweden, conducted by the LBI ArchPro. Due to the huge amount of data It is necessary to develop new methods for the archaeological interpretation of geophysical prospection results.
In this regards, additional research goals are:

  • Application and development of novel semi- automatic feature extraction tools for geophysical prospection data
  • Development of methods for data fusion, multiple representations and semi-automatic classification for intelligent, knowledge-based interpretation approaches

The research focuses in particular on the integration of selected material for a semi- automatic classification of geophysical prospection data (magnetic and radar). Relevant excavation results and geophysical information are the fundament for the classification which is based on defined parameters. The classified features are the background for further archaeological interpretation of the combined prospection data. The LIDAR and hyper spectral data will be applied as an additional source for the landscape archaeological research to place Uppåkra and its surrounding landscape into a larger context. Regarding to the limits of the dissertation, these data will just support and comply the geophysical prospection measurements and are not in the focus of research.

Universität Wien
co Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science
Franz-Klein-Gasse 1/III
A-1190 Wien

T: +43-1-4277-40304
University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0