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Joris Coolen

Reconstructing prehistoric land-use on the basis of integrated surface surveying.

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Michael Doneus
Dir. PD Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Neubauer / Dr. Erich Draganits?

Case study

This project aims to investigate the potential role of surface surveys as the basis for prehistoric land-use reconstruction by comparing and integrating the results of systematic surface surveys with other large-scale prospection data.
The project will contribute to the following research questions: How does the distribution of artefacts on the surface of ploughed fields relate to the spatial patterning, character and intensity of past human activities? What activities can be deduced from surface assemblages? Which postdepositional factors influence the distribution and detectability of artefacts on the (ploughed) surface, and how can they in turn be used to reconstruct the (pre-)historic landscape?

The results of surface surveys will be compared with geophysical data, aerial photography surveys and geoarchaeological surveys carried out in the area of Hornsburg in the Kreuttal case study area. Previous survey projects have usually focused on one prospection method (surface survey or aerial archaeology) to select areas for targeted use of other methods (intensive surface surveying, geophysical prospection etc.). The Kreuttal case study offers unique opportunities for a truly integrated approach, as it is not biased towards one specific prospection method.

Universität Wien
co Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science
Franz-Klein-Gasse 1/III
A-1190 Wien

T: +43-1-4277-40304
University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0