Christine Markussen
Stratigraphic Analysis and Interpretation of 3D Ground Penetrating Radar Data
Dir. PD Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Neubauer
Univ.-Doz.Dr. Wolfgang Lenhardt
Dr. Immo Trinks
Case Study
Flavia Solva, Austria
The intent of this project is to develop an interactive three-dimensional work space in order to visualize and interpret GPR data in its archaeological context. A high resolution GPR data set from Flavia Solva, Austria, will be used to answer how standard GIS can be improve upon by incorporating three-dimensional data visualizations and three-dimensional data-user interaction ultimately permitting enhanced archaeological interpretations of prospection data. The objectives include determining what improvements, scripts, and workflows, are necessary to achieve true three-dimensional analysis and interpretation of GPR data and archaeological stratification in a GIS environment; identifying which available processing programs can be influential in determining the necessary procedures; and streamlining processes in GIS for effective and economical archaeological GPR interpretations. It will be important to establish which GIS platforms are powerful enough to work with large data sets covering archaeological landscapes as opposed to small data blocks.
Merging prospection data in a three-dimensional environment will result in more realistic archaeological data representations and enable more detailed, scientific analysis and interpretation. This will result in a more holistic approach to archaeological prospection. Prospection data have been regarded as a primary data set, providing direct and indirect access to archaeology hidden in the subsurface. With three-dimensional interpretations, the full potential of GPR data as a primary data set will be realized. It will move the discipline beyond the roll of detection devices because analysis on the reflectivity, form, volume and three-dimensional relationships of features below the ground surface will be possible. This could also aid in site preservation practices through virtual three-dimensional visualizations and potentially lessen the need for extensive destructive excavations.
Universität Wien
co Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science
Franz-Klein-Gasse 1/III
A-1190 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-40304